Turkish Property Port

The Limit for Turkish Citizenship by Property Investment Decreased to 250.000 USD

The Limit for Turkish Citizenship by Property Investment Decreased to 250.000 USD

The Turkish Government have recently implemented new laws governing Turkish Citizenship. the amendments to the original laws, Article 20 of the Governing Regulations of Turkish Citizen code was instituted on 12.01.2017 .and with the new amendment published on September 18 with the Article no 106 the minimum limit for Turkish Citizenship by investing in a property decreased to 250.000 USD from 1 million USD.

Regarding this new amendment;

  • Invest at least 500.000 USD fixed capital in Turkey,( which was 2 million USD before )  subject to verification by the Ministry of Economics.
  • Purchase property to a value, not below 250.000 USD( which was 1 million USD), and an assurance that it will not be sold for three years, by annotation at the land registry.
  • Deposit ( which was $3 million USD before ) into a Turkish Bank or buys Turkish Government Bonds and keeps them for a least three years. Both to be authenticated by relevant Turkish authority
  • Employ 50 or more people(which was 100 before), subject to Labour and Social Security Ministry verification.
  • The source of the money used to invest or be banked has to be clearly shown, to ensure it is legal.